
1 满意度调查问卷

I am interested in the work that I do and enthusiastic and take pride in my job.我对现在的工作很感兴趣,对工作充满热情和自豪感
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意
I have the confidence and ability to do my job well.我有信心並有能力做好现在的工作
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意
My supervisor supports my work-related learning and development.我的上级主管对我的职业学习和发展表示支持
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意
I understand the flows of performance appraisal activity.我了解年终绩效评估的实施流程
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意
The morale in my department is high我部门的士气高
Strongly Disagree 非常不同意
Disagree 不同意
Neutral 一般
Agree 同意
Strongly Agree 非常同意