
墨尔文食堂满意度调研问卷MCC Canteen Survey Questionnaire

请问您就餐的地点?Where are you dining?
食堂一楼The first floor of the canteen
食堂二楼 The second floor of the canteen
请问食堂工作人员的服务态度如何?(一星表示很差,五星表示很好)What do you think of the service attitude of the canteen staff?(1 star is bad 5 stars are good)
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请问您认为食堂饭菜的分量够吗? Is there enough food in the canteen?
够 Enough
还可以 Just so-so
不够 Not enough
请问您认为食堂饭菜的口味怎么样? (一星表示很差,五星表示很好)What do you think about the taste of the food? (1 star is bad 5 stars are good)
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目前菜品荤素搭配的比例是否需要调整?Does the canteen need to adjust the proportion of meat and vegetable dishes?
不用调整 NO
增加肉量 Increasing the amount of meat
增加素菜量 Increasing the amount of vegetables